NanaWoody&John Opticians of the Year are located in Didam and Zuidlaren

The NanaWoody&John Opticians of the Year have been announced. All six nominated stores of this year...
Beeks Oog & Oor from 's-Gravenzande, Konings Optiek from Veenendaal and 't-Brillehuus from Didam for Optician of the Year
And JIJ brillenenmeer from Zuidlaren, Brilstudio from Soest and Boutique Optique from Oosterbeek for Newcomer Optician of the Year - are great and inspiring ambassadors for all independent opticians and actually even for all independent retailers in our country. Together they symbolize many beautiful and fine independent stores that we really cannot do without.
This year, 't-Brillehuus and JIJ brillenenmeer went home with the Optician of the Year and Newcomer Optician of the Year Award respectively.
The many reactions to the nominations and now to the Awards on our social media and those of the stores show how much customers appreciate these entrepreneurs and care about them, and that is exactly what you do it all for as an independent entrepreneur.
To quote Kevin Roberts. They are all LOVEMARKS!
These NanaWoody&John Awards are on the one hand a recognition of and appreciation for entrepreneurship and on the other hand an encouragement for other (young) entrepreneurs. As an independent store you add something to every city and village that branches of chains and large retail companies will never be able to do. Let us cherish our independent stores! SHOP LOCAL!